2023.10.20 Words with Rupi – SOMEONE ELSE WILL, part three of four, Trauma – The Crack In The fragile, false self-perception I hold dear regarding the responsibility and authority I so unhelpfully assign to others while shirking my own 

“…free write 4 paragraphs or stanzas using the 4 words/phrases you selected above, in chronological order.  Each paragraph/stanza must include a word/phrase from the above list, in their numbered order,” (5).  

I’m going to take “chronological” to be in the order in which these particular phrases/words came to me during the initial exercise.  In my case, I wrote these into the prior post in chronological order, so, 1-4 shall 1-4.

“Your piece begins with the prompt “The crack in the.”  These opening words are meant to spark creativity.  Complete this phrase and continue writing.”  (Kaur, 2022, p. 6).

SOMEONE ELSE WILL – The Crack In The fragile, false self-perception I hold so dear regarding the responsibility and authority I so unhelpfully assign to others while shirking my own    

#3 – The crack in the  fragile, false self-perception I hold so dear regarding the responsibility and authority and voice I so unhelpfully assign to others while shirking my own.

Someone else will.  Someone else will think about trauma.  Someone else will take the time.  Someone else will care.  Someone who is not of my demographic.  Someone else.  Someone who is smarter; has this “spare” time; who will tell me what I should think/do/say in response to this right now.  Someone else.