2023.10.23 Words with Rupi – INADEQUATE/SOMEONE ELSE WILL, part four of four, Trauma – The Crack In The fragile, false self-perception I hold dear regarding the responsibility and authority I so easily shirk by “claiming-but-not-really-claiming” my limits and my positionality; aka, my responsibility and culpability.
“…free write 4 paragraphs or stanzas using the 4 words/phrases you selected above, in chronological order. Each paragraph/stanza must include a word/phrase from the above list, in their numbered order,” (5).
I’m going to take “chronological” to be in the order in which these particular phrases/words came to me during the initial exercise. In my case, I wrote these into the prior post in chronological order, so, 1-4 shall 1-4.
“Your piece begins with the prompt “The crack in the.” These opening words are meant to spark creativity. Complete this phrase and continue writing.” (Kaur, 2022, p. 6).
INADEQUATE/SOMEONE ELSE – The Crack In The fragile, false self-perception I hold dear regarding the responsibility and authority I so easily shirk by “claiming-but-not-really-claiming” my limits and my positionality; aka, my responsibility and culpability.
#4 – The crack in the fragile, false self-perception I hold dear regarding the responsibility and authority I so easily shirk by “claiming-but-not-really-claiming” my limits and my positionality; aka, my responsibility and culpability.
My fourth thought manifests an ugly interior where I use my background/bias/positionality as an excuse to not be introspective, self-critical, clear-eyed, willing to look at those very elements through which I have caused the above mentioned trauma to those around me, to myself, and which I will again if these trauma continue, unimpeded.
I must run down my trauma.
It may/not die; it will fight; but, right now, it is having free-reign. Free-Reign.
Or,, in the words of the incredibly wise Bill Mallonee:
“My, my, how loudly we proclaim our innocence, long after we’ve made our contribution.”
Vigilantes of Love
Audible Sigh, on Audible Sign, 1999.